Distributed Data Processing

TNI’s system engineering and software development personnel are supporting the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) efforts to establish a multi-intelligence information sharing infrastructure through prototyping of a demonstration testbed to establish an integrated, multi-INT processing, exploitation and dissemination system optimized for rapid information correlation, collaboration, and retrieval.

Working with the NRL and its associated contractors, TNI personnel are actively developing solutions to support data multicast over a high-speed Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network, defining testbed concept of operations (CONOPS), implementing testbed mapping functions and map ingest, integrating testbed software, and supporting overall systems effectiveness. For this important program, TNI personnel are leveraging a number of key technologies, including ATM, CORBA, Java/Java Beans, and component software.

The Virtual Hub demonstration program is an effort to facilitate Department of Defense plans for information dominance. Under these DoD initiatives, legacy “stovepipe” systems with narrowcast technology solutions are ill suited to form the future vision.  Conventional information management approaches, plagued by interoperability and technology compatibility issues, do not provide the functionality that permit real- or near-real-time correlation and fusion required for information dominance.  The Virtual Hub technology initiative is a development approach to an enterprise system founded on object-oriented, Java-based, distributed computing solutions to mitigate traditional technical problems, including lack of interoperability among systems (commercial and government), lack of open (non-proprietary) software, and lack of ability to coordinate and collaborate on multiple data formats over distributed resources. 

Telenetics, Inc.
818 Franklin St., Alexandria, VA  22314
Phone: 703-519-1798   Fax: 703-519-0359